When India’s Minister for Power, New and Renewable Energy Mr. R.K. Singh launched the New Delhi Municipal Council’s (NDMC) smart metering project on 9th Jan 2019, it became the first municipality in India to achieve 100% smart metering.
The project replaced 50,000 conventional electricity meters with smart meters in the NDMC area. NDMC will benefit from enhanced consumer satisfaction resulting from better complaint management, faster restoration of outages, awareness of optimised consumption pattern, and improvement in system stability, reliability and transparency.
The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solution fetches instantaneous meter readings and load profile data from smart meters and makes it available to billing and analytics applications after thorough validation. Automated remote meter reading helps NDMC save on reading costs and eliminate associated errors in meter reading and billing, thereby improving billing efficiency.
Other advantages of AMI include anytime, anywhere access to meter data and critical events such as meter tampering. NDMC will also be able to disconnect and reconnect electricity supply remotely. NDMC consumers can view their energy usage pattern and take necessary decisions to save on energy using NDMC’s web or mobile apps.
This is a significant step towards converting all the 250 million power meters in India into smart and prepaid meters by 2022, in line with the National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM) of the Government of India.
Mr. Singh said, “Smart Meters will revolutionize the power sector through their vast cascade of benefits including reduced AT&C losses, better health of DISCOMs, incentivization of energy conservation and ease of bill payments. Further, this move will generate skilled employment for the youth.”
The facility was inaugurated by Mr. Singh, in the presence of Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Mr. Anil Baijal; Secretary, Ministry of Power Mr. A K Bhalla; NDMC Chairman Mr. Naresh Kumar, and EESL MD Mr. Saurabh Kumar.
*Source – NDMC has become the first distribution company (DISCOM) in India with 100% smart metering solution
Fluentgrid is proud to be a partner in this prestigious smart metering project with our UHES and MDMS products.