Fluentgrid Limited and Application Software IFS South Africa (PTY) LTD of South Africa joined hands to implement an Integrated Business Management System (also referred to as HUZA) for the Energy Utility Corporation Limited (EUCL) of Rwanda, a subsidiary of Rwanda Energy Group. IBMS is an integrated solution that includes modern management tools and processes for informed decision-making, enhanced efficiency, transparency and accountability in electricity service delivery. The World Bank funded project’s scope includes supply, installation, training, customization and integration with legacy systems, of the following management information systems:
- a commercial management system (CMS), to support customer service and all commercial functions within the company;
- an incident recording and management system (IRMS), to enable EUCL to better respond to client contingencies by automating the detection of distribution faults and ensuring the quality of power supply;
- a corporate resources management information system (also identified as “enterprise resource planning (ERP)” for the entire EUCL, to integrate the management of all the corporate processes and resources of the company under a single technological platform.
Fluentgrid will implement the CMS and IRMS solutions for EUCL, using its proven mPower CIS product suite serving power utilities across Asia. mPower CIS is positioned on Gartner Magic Quadrant for Utilities Customer Information Systems for the fourth consecutive year in 2016.
The project was kick started during a ceremony held at the KIGALI SERENA HOTEL, on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 08, 2016 presided over by the Minister of Infrastructure, Hon James Musoni.
According to Jean Bosco Mugiraneza, the REG Chief Executive Officer, HUZA is part of the reforms being undertaken by the group to “boost efficiency and help minimize losses to spur revenue collection, as well as fix managerial gaps”.
EUCL Managing Director Eng Jean-Claude Kalisa said “We were looking for a modern business management solution that can enhance organisation control and aid timely decision-making to improve efficiency, transparency and accountability throughout the organisation” .